About Us
Johnson County Animal Control is the only animal law enforcement agency within Johnson County, Indiana; enforcing both Johnson County Ordinances and State Laws.
Officers are available 24 hours a day,
7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Animal Control Direct Line: (317)-738-6092
Dispatch: (317)-346-6336
When do we NOT respond?
- Barking Complaints (Call your local Police Department.)
- Wildlife – Call DNR – (812) -526-4996
- Animals stuck in attics, in or under your residence etc.
- Owner surrenders in the field. – Call the Johnson County Animal Shelter at (317)-738-6090.
- Confined domestic animals caught in owned traps.(Owner of the trap is responsible to bring the animal to the animal shelter.)
- Strays confined after 10pm.
- For more information on local and state laws click here
Johnson County Animal Control
2160 N. Graham Road Franklin, IN 46131
Main Line: 317-738-6092
Fax: 317-738-3166
Email: jchumaneenforcement@co.johnson.in.us